1. export HTML to slides
$: unzip reveal.js.master.zip
$: cd reveal.js.master
2. Edit index.html
Export to reveal.js from https://slides.com/yourname/yourslide/edit
Presentation made with Slides are powered by the reveal.js open source presentation framework. This export lets you migrate your slide content to a fresh reveal.js install.
a. Download a copy of the reveal.js framework and make the following edits to its index.html.
b. In the
c. In the , replace the
d. In the Reveal.initialize call towards the bottom of your index.html, append these config values:
3. Edit index pdf config
a. edit index.html
add. Reveal.Configure before Reveal.initialize
3Reveal.configure({ pdfSeparateFragments: false,
pdfMaxPagesPerSlide: 1 });
Reveal.initialize({ ...
4. Export pdf
open index.html by Chrome like http://xxxx.index.html?print-pdf
Ctrl-P(windows) or COMMAND-P(Mac-OS)
- Save Fail(Preview Failure)
print range - full
I found Chrome export pdf raise Error when pages number bigger than 56
So you should export it twice 1-56, 57~64